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Serum malondialdehyde levels during menstral cycle
Venous samples form the cubiteal vein was taken from 25 apparently well female subjects after a 12 hour overnight fasting during the three phases of their menstrual cycle. Serum Malondialdehyde (MDA) activity was assayed in all the samples. There was no statistical difference between the mean values of MDA during the follicular and the ovulatory phase of menstruation. However, MDA level in the luteal phase was significantly different from the MDA levels during follicular and ovulatory phases. (p<0.05). Serum Malondialdhyde level significant increase concided with the increase progesterone and estrogen
levels during the luteal phase of menstruation which is characterized by foci and coalase necrosis. This may support the fact that oxidative stress theory has an important role to play in the physiological phenomenon of menstruation