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Determination of nitrate, nitrite, N- nitrosamines, cyanide and ascorbic acid contents of fruit juices marketed in Nigeria
0.64±0.21 to 7.56±3.10 mg/L for sachet water. While the mean concentration of nitrite ranged from 6.84±0.47 to 12.03±1.07 and 0.12±0.02 to 4.42±0.33 mg/L for juices and sachet water, respectively. Four out of the eight brands of juices analyzed contained detectable levels of nitrosamines (2.75±0.47 to
45.70±3.07 ìg/L) while none of the samples contained any detectable amount of cyanide. Ascorbic acid concentrations of the samples varied from 100 to 400 mg/L. The results are discussed from nutritional and toxicological points of view.