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Effect of foliar application of Zn and Fe on wheat yield and quality
conducted on clay-loam soil in Moghan region during 2007-2008 to investigate the effect of foliar application of zinc and iron on wheat yield and quality at tillering and heading stage. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The SAS software package was used to analyze all the data and means were separated by the least significant difference (LSD) test at P< 0.01. The treatments were control (no Zn and Fe Application), 150 g Zn.ha-1 as ZnSO4, 150 g Fe.ha-1 as Fe2O3, and a combination of both Zn and Fe. In this study, parameters such as wheat grain yield, seed-Zn and Fe concentration were evaluated. Results showed that foliar application of Zn and Fe increased seed yield and its quality compared with control. Among treatments, application of (Fe + Zn)
obtained highest seed yield and quality.