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Phytochemical compounds and antimicrobial activity of three medicinal plants (Alchornea hirtella, Morinda geminata and Craterispermum laurinum) from Sierra
geminata was sensitive to Streptococcus pyogenes (61% inhibition) and leaf extract of A. hirtella inhibited the growth of Proteus vulgaris (56%). Ethanolic crude extract of the stem bark of C. laurinum and M. geminata were particularly sensitive to S. pyogenes; moderate activity was also demonstrated by the stem bark of C. laurinum against Escherichia coli. MIC values indicated that the ethanolic extract showed significant microbiostatic action against S. pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus (MIC 0.8 – 2 mg/ml), whereas the other strains were more resistant (MIC >2 mg/ml). Phytochemical evaluation revealed moderate to high contents of flavonoids, alkaloid and saponins in the ethanolic extract.