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Exogenous application of plant growth regulators increased the total flavonoid content in Taraxacum officinale Wigg
control. SA enhanced both shoot and root attributes, while ethephon decreased plant growth. Endogenous bioactive GA1 and GA4 content and SA content enhanced with the application of GA3, SA and kinetin, but declined with ethephon. The flavonoid content of dandelion significantly increased with SA treatment, but was not altered with the application of other PGRs. The current study demonstrated the favorable effect of GA3, kinetin and SA on growth, bioactive GAs, SA and flavonoid contents of dandelion. These investigations offered interesting information as PGRs were never tested for plant growth and development of dandelion. It also reports the presence of both early C-13 hydroxylation and non C-13 hydroxylation pathways of GA biosynthesis in dandelion for the first time.