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Genomic growth hormone, growth hormone receptor and transforming growth factor β-3 gene polymorphism in breeder hens of Mazandaran native fowls
native fowls breeding station, we studied their distribution in this population. A total of 156 blood samples were collected and a specific primer sets were used to amplify a fragment of GH, GHR and TGFb3
loci using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR products from GH, GHR and TGF-b3 loci were digested with SacI, HindIII and BslI restriction endonuclease, respectively. In GH and GHR loci, allele A
was the most frequent and ranged from 0.99 to 0.79 while, allele B was identified as a dominant allele at TGF-b3 locus due to the highest frequency (0.81). The frequency of BB homozygous genotype was the
lowest (average = 0.03) whereas, AA genotype showed the highest frequency among all loci. The amplified fragment in GH locus was characterized by a deletion of approximately 118 bp. Deletion of 118
bp fragment not only reduced the expected size of the PCR product, but also, introduced a new restriction site for SacI enzyme at GH marker site. Further association analysis is required to clarify the
effects of these marker genotypes on production traits in this breeder flock.