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Genetic relationships among some Hesperis L. (Brassicaceae) species from Turkey assessed by RAPD analysis
The results of the RAPD analysis support the idea that H. bicuspidata (Sect. Hesperis), H. schischkinii (Sect. Mediterranea), H. pendula (Sect. Pachycarpos), H. breviscapa, H. kotschyi (Sect. Cvelevia) and H.
cappadocica (Sect. Contorta) species need to be placed into different sections according to morphological characters. On the other hand, the phylogenetic order of the sections according to morphological characters and according to molecular data displayed some differences and evolutionary phylogenetic orders of the sections were redesigned. The phylogenetic relations among species were based on the samples H. breviscapa and H. kotschyi which take place in the same section.
The accordance of morphological and molecular similarities was noticed for H. breviscapa and H. kotschyi species. Besides this, infraspecific taxonomic situations of H. schischkinii samples having
hairy and glabrous (non-hairy) fruits which show allopatric and sympatric spread were reassessed by RAPD analysis.