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Semi-continuous anaerobic treatment of fresh leachate from municipal solid waste transfer station
used as sources of anaerobic microbial complex. The semi-continuous treatment of leachate was operated in two phases; in Phase 1, the pH of the bioreactor was not adjusted, and in Phase 2, the pH of
the bioreactor was adjusted by the addition of sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The initial values for both chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) of fresh leachate were
extremely high compared with the stabilized landfill leachate. COD reduction rate for the semicontinuous process for Phase 1 and 2 were 37 and 52.7%, respectively. These results clearly showed
that pH adjustment is important to enhance the COD removal in leachate treatment. In addition, we have analysed the evolution of volatile fatty acid (VFA) in the entire treatment process. The results indicated that the VFA concentration was a rapid indicator of the reactor’s stability.