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A RAMP marker linked to the tobacco black shank resistant gene
markers linked to black shank resistant gene. A total of 800 arbitrary decamer oligonucleotide primerpairs were used for RAMP analysis. Primer pair GT (CA) 4/S89, producing one RAMP marker GT (CA)
4/S89550, was tightly linked to the black shank resistant gene. Results of Southern blot suggest that the fragment GT (CA) 4/S89550 was existed in Yunyan 317 and resistant plants, and absent in Hubei 517.
Linkage analysis was carried out using marker GT (CA) 4/S89550 on 752 black shank high-resistant individuals of F2 progenies from crossing between Yunyan 317 and Hubei 517. Our results indicated that
the genetic distances between GT (CA) 4/S89550 and black shank resistant gene was 1.4cM.