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Biochemical characterization of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L. spp. turkestanica) seed
phytochemcials. However, there is lack of literature regarding the biochemical and physico-chemical quality of the seed. This study consists of evaluation of the physiochemical parameters; elemental
components, seed storage protein profile and anatomical structure of sea buckthorn ssp turkestanica seed. Results showed that ash content was 2.05%, moisture content 5.5%, thousand seed mass value
10.20 g; sodium 47.65 ppm, potassium 88.0 ppm, phosphorus 0.43 ppm, magnesium 758.0 ppm, calcium 912.0 ppm, zinc 96.50 ppm, iron 290.25 ppm and silver 3.10 ppm. Seed storage protein electrophoresis
reveals the presence of only low molecular weight proteins. SEM analysis shows that seed was 4.3 mm long and 2.4 mm wide with 0.1 - 0.2 nm thicken seed coat. The study provides a good source of
information of sea buckthorn seed of Pakistani origin and its potential for cultivation in various parts of the world.