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Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Solidago virgaurea extracts
highest DPPH radical-scavenging activity was found in the metanol, with 50% DPPH radical scavenging at a concentration of 74.66 ìgml-1 dried metanol extract, while at the same concentration of dried water
extract the value was 22.16%. Metanol extract of S. virgaurea showed antimicrobial activities against Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter fecalis, Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus. The MIC valaues
against bacteria 50 ìgml-1. It was found that metanol and water extracts of S. virgaurea show antioxidant activity. It has been reported that there is an inverse relationship between dietary intake of
antioxidant-rich foods and the incidence of a number of human diseases, therefore these results are interesting. This plant, which may contain both polar and apolar antioxidant compounds, could be a
potential source of natural antioxidants.