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The potential of Terminalia catappa (Almond) and Hyphaene thebaica (Dum palm) fruits as raw materials for livestock feed
nutritional composition for production of livestock feed. This study revealed that the mesocarp of the fruits of T. catappa and H. thebaica contain 8.10- 12.65% ash, 84.93- 89.25% carbohydrate, 0.37- 0.95% oil, 238- 316 mg/g glucose contents and anti-nutritional factor value of 1.30 mg/g for T. catappa and 8.30 mg/g for H. thebaica tannin content. The protein contents of 0.1 and 0.01% are very low but their
calorific values of 3434.5 and 3655.9 kcal/kg for T. catappa and H. thebaica, respectively, are high. The metal ion concentrations of Ca (45.58-245.10 mg/100 g), Mg (96.35-236.45 mg/100 g), Fe (5.14- 47.96 mg/100 g), Cu (0.10-0.38) and Zn (0.45 -0.62) in these mesocarp seemed adequate enough to provide metal ions for biochemical activities of livestock if the mesocarp of the fruits are used in livestock feed formulation. In addition, the presence of low level of tannin may form the basis for anti–inflammatory activity in the feed.