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The disposition and pharmacokinetics of Dioscorea nipponica Makino extract in rats
TSD in lung, kidney, heart, liver, adrenal, and small intestine were performed. From the blood samples’ emission of radioactivity, pharmacokinetic parameters were derived as T1/2 = 33.33 ± 4.48 h, Tmax = 6.5 ± 0.71 h, AUC = 119400 ± 421097.67, and Cmax = 2643.33 ± 192.26 dpm/ml. There was 51.609% of 3H labeled
substance excreted in 24 h. These results suggested that blood concentration of 3H-TSD was extremely low and the majority of TSD was excreted in the feces. The TSD was extensively distributed to multitissues. The radioactivity level was measured to be the highest in the liver, adrenal gland, and wall of the gastrointestinal tract. The radioactivity of TSD was still being detected in blood after 96 h. This
showed TSD was excreted in vivo very slowly.