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Effect of processing on the toxicity of Mucuna jaspada flour
content: 3.33 ± 0.21%, crude fibre: 6.76 ± 0.36% and carbohydrate: 46.91 ± 0.01%. Bioactivity studies using brine shrimp lethality tests showed that raw M. Jaspada and the processed samples exhibited
some levels of toxicity. The raw M. Jaspada gave LC50 of 3.98 ìg/ml, roasted sample extract gave 7.9 ìg/ml, and boiled extract was 8.9 ìg/ml while autoclaved extract gave 10 ìg/ml. The result of this work
has shown that M. Jaspada seeds if properly processed by heat treatment could be improved nutritionally for both animal and human consumption.