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Resistance source to cowpea aphid (Aphis craccivora Koch) in broad bean (Vicia faba L.) Algerian landrace collection
were selected in an initial field trial and subjected to further testing in the greenhouse. Landrace V51 proved to be the most interesting, in that it resisted aphid attack by mechanisms involving tolerance
and antibiosis. Aphid infestation of this landrace resulted in a dry weight loss of only 3.09% (comparison with uninfested plants). The antibiotic resistance of this landrace also significantly decreased the biological potential of the cowpea aphid. In addition to the agronomic and heritage value, some of the landraces of the Biskra region displayed tolerance and antibiosis characteristics suggesting that they might serve as an important genetic resource in future bean selection programs. All tested landraces are attractive to A. craccivora but only this preference is marked more for varieties V23 and V24.