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Effect of chemical pretreatment of some lignocellulosic wastes on the recovery of cellulase from Aspergillus niger AH3 mutant
corncob, corn straw and bagasse was studied using Aspergillus niger AH3. The strain was inoculated into 10 g/L of the processed pre-treated lignocellulosic substrates previously added to batches of the Mandels basal medium. The pH of the medium was adjusted to optimum (4.8) and the flasks with the contents autoclaved, thereafter fermentation begun. Samples of each flask were taken aseptically at
regular interval (24 h) throughout the growth phase until the enzyme activity peaked off (between 110 and 170 h), centrifuged and the clear supernatant was used for the enzyme assay. Enzyme expression
in all the pretreated biomass increased steadily from day one and peaked off at day four or five for the alkali pretreated residues whereas it was at day six for acid pretreated residues. Generally for the alkali
treated residues irrespective of residence time, maximum cellulase yield was at day 5 while for the acid treated residues, maximum cellulase yield was at day 6. Enzyme yield from residues treated for longer period (3 h) using alkali when compared to those using acid under the same condition of fermentation was highly significant. The alkali treated residues showed higher cellulase yield than the acid treated residues. Highest cellulase activity (0.06777 IU/ml/min) was display d by the organism grown on bagasse substrate pretreated with 2M NaOH for one hour. The proximate analysis of the cellulosic
residues differed from one substrate to another, with the bagasse being the best. Pulverized substrates syndicated with alkali pretreatment using 2 M NaOH for one hour was optimal for cellulase production
from the cellulosic residues.