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Autochthonous white rot fungi from the tropical forest: Potential of Cuban strains for dyes and textile industrial effluents decolourisation
decolourise the industrial anthraquinonic dye Acid Blue 62 (AB 62) in laboratory conditions, in both solid and liquid media. On the basis of their decolourisation rate and growth inhibition, seven strains
viz. Tinctoporellus epimiltinus, Trametes maxima, Perenniporia tephropora, Coriolopsis rigida, Hexagonia tenuis, Pachykytospora alabamae and Hexagonia hydnoides were selected for further
studies. All the strains were able to decolourise partially or completely the AB62 dye added to Malt extract. Almost total decolourisation was obtained with T. maxima. Decolourising activity was also
shown with an industrial textile effluent, containing Remazol Yellow RGB, Remazol Red RR, and Remazol Black B 133. Production of laccase, a ligninolytic enzyme possibly involved in decolourisation, was stimulated by AB 62 for all the strains tested; T. maxima showing the highest production. Lignin peroxidase and manganese peroxidase were not produced under the experimental conditions used. T. maxima could represent a potential candidate for biotechnological applications. The exploitation of local biodiversity in tropical area appears as a potentially productive approach for identifying promising
microbial strains for industrial use.