Aloe vera L. is a medicinal plant. Regeneration of A. vera in nature (in vivo) is too slow and insufficient to meet the industry demand. Therefore, it is necessary to use in vitro propagation for rapid plant production. Explant used for the in vitro culture was shoot tip. The shoot tip explants was disinfected with 2% NaOCl and washed thoroughly with sterile water. Then, explants were placed on solid MS medium with the addition of various concentrations of benzyladenine and ∝-naphthaleneacetic acid. After 8 weeks, the best proliferation of shoot per explant (9.67) and the best rooting was shown on the medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l benzyladenine + 0.5 mg/l ∝ naphthaleneacetic acid. The rooted plantlets were gradually acclimatized in plastic pots containing a mixture of cocopeat and perlite (1:1) covered with transparent plastic. About 95% of the transplanted plantlets survived.