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Effect of natural and chemical insecticides on Hyalopterus pruni and Armeniaca vulgaris
Hyalopterus pruni and characters of Armeniaca vulgaris plants and their soils. The data revealed that F.arabica extract at 20% concentration was the most effective followed by S. alba which recorded 62.66
and 56.16% reduction in H. pruni population density, respectively. While the mixture of Malathion with F.arabica or S. alba or A. pseudocotula extracts (each one at half concentration) results in 57.88, 57.42 and 60.86% reduction in aphid population, respectively. The plant extracts treatment resulted in significant increase in chlorophyll pigments and total carbohydrates in A. vulgaris whereas carotenoids and total protein content decreased (except S. alba extract treatment which increased total protein content). Soil cations; Ca++, Na+, Mg++, K+ and anions; SO4 2-, HCO3 -, Cl- increased with all plant extracts treatment with exception of A. pseudocotula extract treatment that decreased HCO3 - concentrations. This study recommended that natural insecticides were more effective and safe than chemical ones in pest control.