Zinc phosphate solubilization efficiency of ten soil bacteria were studied for various parameters like carbon sources, temperature, pH, variable concentration of sodium chloride and glucose. For majority of the isolates 20oC was appeared to be the optimum temperature for solubilization of zinc phosphate. Glucose was the most favorable carbon source for solubilization while lactose is the least favorable carbon source. pH 7 was the most favorable pH for solubilization while at pH 4 no growth and solubilization was seen. Except CMG859, no isolate solubilized at pH 8 and 9. CMG851 (Acinetobacter lwoffi) and CMG852 showed enhanced solubilization in presence of 1% sodium chloride. 1% glucose is required for the solubilization of zinc phosphate and no solubilization was appeared in presence of 0.1% glucose. CMG851 (A. lwoffi), CMG 860 (pseudomonas aeruginosa) CMG 857 (Bacillus thuringiensis) were found to be the most promising isolates.