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The effects of drying on the chemical components of essential oils of Calendula officinalis L.
0.06, 0.03 and 0.09%, respectively. The analysis of the oils by GC-MS revealed a total of 30, 21 and 24 compounds from the fresh leaves, dry leaves and the flowers in the same order. Sesquiterpenoids
dominated the fresh leaves (59.5%) and flowers (26%), while the monoterpenes dominated the oil in the dry leaves (70.3%). T-muurolol (40.9%) predominated in the fresh leaf oil; a-thujene (19.2%) and dcadinene (11.8%) were also present in high quantities. Whereas, 1,8-cineole (29.4%), g-terpenene (11.6%), d-cadinene (9.0%), b-pinene (6.9%) and a-thujene (6.3%) were the major components in the dry leaf oil. In the fresh flower oil, a-thujene (15.9%), d-cadinene (13.1%) and d-cadinene (10.9%) were the major components. The significance of the effect of drying on essential oil composition of this plant is discussed.