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Grain yield and agronomic characteristics of Romanian bread wheat varieties under the conditions of Northwestern Turkey
determine the most promising varieties suitable to Biga conditions. Based on a two-year data, all the characteristics examined showed significant difference (P < 0.05) and varied with a wide range in grain
yield (344.0 - 475.5 kg da-1), plant height (78.1 - 103.3 cm), spike length (9.2 - 16.4 cm), number of spikelets (15.3 - 19.3 number), number of grains per spike (35.7 - 43.3 number), grain weight per spike
(1.25 - 1.73 g), harvest index (34.2 - 43.8%) and 1000 grain weight (35.2 - 47.8 g). Except for harvest index, genotype x year interactions (GxY) was found to be significant for all the traits studied.
Correlation coefficient analyses showed that the grain yield had positive and significant associations with plant height (r = 0.416***), grain weight per spike (r = 0.345**), number of grain per spike (r = 0.220*)
and 1000 grain weight (r = 0.388***). Consequently, new bread wheat varieties, Joseph followed by Dumbrava and Trivale, from Romania gave rise to higher yield compared to the local varieties.