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Environmental, genetic and cellular toxicity of tenuazonic acid isolated from Alternaira alternata
growth and chlorophyll concentration of C. reinhardtii were inhibited at above 100 g/ml concentration, with EC50(G) of 310.36 g/ml and EC50(Chl) of 294.27 g/ml. The micronuleus test results indicated that MCN‰ was >15‰ only at higher concentrations. TeA inhibited the proliferation and total protein contents of 3T3 mouse fibroblasts (3T3 cells), Chinese hamster lung cells (CHL cells) and human
hepatocytes (L-O2 cells) at concentrations ranging from 12.5 - 400 g/ml. Of the three cell lines, 3T3 cells were the most sensitive to the toxin (EC50(24h) = 41.64 g/ml), followed by CHL cells (EC50(24h) = 59.33 g/ml), and L-O2 cells (EC50(24h) = 85.98 g/ml) had the lowest sensitivity.