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Fungal treatment of hemp-based pulp and paper mill wastes
for acid-line effluents (67% AOX (adsorbable organic halogens), 44% TOC 8 total organic carbon), 97% color) were obtained with 2 g/l acetate concentration in 10 days. Acid-line and alkali-line composite effluent was also fed to a column reactor with of 17 mg/l. AOX concentration. In column studies, the highest removals (57% AOX, 67% TOC, and 74% color) and (57% AOX, 48% TOC and 73% color) were obtained with 0.5 and 0.2 g/l feed acetate concentration in 20 days, respectively. Gas chromatography
analysis indicated drastic reductions at low molecular weight adsorbable organic halogen compounds.