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Effects of disinfection, packaging and evaporatively cooled storage on sugar content of mango
mango (Mangifera indica L.). The experiment was laid out in a factorial combination of disinfection, packaging and storage in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The mangoes
were periodically analyzed for reducing sugar and total sugar. Non-reducing sugar was computed from the difference between experimental reducing and total sugars. Storage conditions significantly (P 0.01) affected sugar content in mangoes. Storage at ambient conditions with higher temperature and lower relative humidity as compared to the evaporatively cooled storage resulted in rapid deterioration in sugar content of the mangoes. During the storage period, packaging generally maintained higher (P 0.01) levels of reducing sugar, non-reducing sugar and total sugar. Similarly, disinfection treatment significantly (P 0.01) affected the changes in reducing, non-reducing and total sugars of mangoes during storage. Two-way interactions were significant (P 0.01) in terms of the changes in sugar content of mangoes. The benefits of the combined effect of post-harvest treatments on mangoes included maintenance of high reducing sugar, non-reducing sugar and total sugar.