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Induced propagation of African clariid catfish, Heterobranchus bidorsalis (Geoffrey Saint Hillarie, 1809) using synthetic and homoplastic hormones
H. bidorsalis). The study which was carried out at Aquafish Farm, Ihiala, Anambra State, Nigeria, lasted 70 days (May to July). Sixty gravid females and twenty mature males of H. bidorsalis (weight
range of 310 to 550 g) were used for the study. In all, 10 trials were carried out with a control. The results showed that ovaprim performed significantly better (P < 0.01) in almost all the parameters
investigated. The two hormonal materials gave slightly different results in terms of pre and post hormonal induced spawning mean somatic weight loss of 423.83 ± 14.19 g and 446.00 ± 13.37 g, mean
number of dead eggs of 396.10 ± 19.15 and 194.90 ± 11.00, hatchability of 9,180.13 ± 343.37 and 11,162.27 ± 362.00 hatched larvae, 35.80 ± 1.11 and 12.37 ± 1.54 deformed larvae, and 99.61 and 99.88% survival were recorded respectively for homoplastic hormone and ovaprim, respectively. Comparative cost benefit analysis showed that ovaprim which recorded better results, was also relatively cheaper.
Ovaprim worth N3467.00 was used for induced breeding of H. bidorsalis with combined body weight of 13.38 kg while pituitary hormone was extracted from N 6350.00 worth of H. bidorsalis and used for
induced breeding of gravid H. bidorsalis with combined body weight of 12.72 kg. Because of its relatively cheap cost, ease of handling and better survival of hatchlings from H. bidorsalis, ovaprim is
highly recommended for hatchery users.