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Nutritional evaluation of palm kernel meal types: 1. Proximate composition and metabolizable energy values
Oil Mills and were either mechanically or solvent extracted using different varieties of palm kernels. Samples of PKM types were assayed for proximate composition and the results obtained indicated that
Okomu, Presco and Envoy PKM resulted in crude protein values of 14.50, 16.60 and 19.24%, respectively. Crude fibre values were in the order of 10.00, 12.29 and 17.96%, respectively for Okomu,
Presco and Envoy PKM types. Envoy PKM resulted in the lowest fat content (1.30%) while Okomu and Presco PKM gave fat values of 9.48 and 7.59%, respectively. The values of ash ranged from 3.40 to
4.34% and nitrogen free extract, 50.05 to 53.42%. Apparent metabolizable crude energy values were 2654, 2423 and 1817 for Okomu, Presco and Envoy PKM, respectively. It can be concluded that Okomu and Presco PKM which were mechanically extracted had close nutrient values and were particularly higher in fat but lower in protein as compared to Envoy PKM.