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Cultivars of Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Blume (Euphorbiaceae) show variability in phytochemical and cytological characteristics
were sparingly present. Anthraquinones and cardenolides were absent in ‘Spirale’ while ‘Sunray’ lacked tannins, phlobatannins and phenols. Terpenes were found only in ‘Sunray’. Overall, alkaloids were the
most abundant with the highest mean value of 1.46% in ‘Royal’ while flavonoids and anthraquinones were trace, 0.002 and 0.003%, in ‘Sunray’ and ‘Royal-like’. Five pigments, carotene (yellow-orange),
phaeophytin (grey), chlorophyll a (blue-green) and b (green), and xanthophyll (yellow) were determined. ‘Spirale’, ‘Royal’, ‘Broad Spotted Guinea’ and ‘Punctatum’ had diploid chromosme number of 2n = 60
while ‘Sunray’ and ‘Royal-like’ possessed 2n = 30 and 24 respectively. ‘Spirale’ and ‘Sunray’ appeared to have reasonably diverged from the rest. Genetic mutation and chromosomes variability could
account for the wide morphological variation and morphotypes in this plant species.