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Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in vitro morphogenesis in response to growth regulators, sucrose and nitrogen
very effective for callus induction. Addition of cytokinins (BAP and Kinetin) to NAA containing media did not enhance actual callus growth. Sucrose influenced callus production. Depending on the auxin concentration of media, callus production could be supported by sucrose within the range 15 - 105 g/l but the optimum sucrose concentration in the medium in all cases, as determined by size of callus was 30 g/l. NAA and sucrose tended to interact at relatively high levels of sucrose (45 – 90 g/l) to produce
roots in culture. KNO3 was essential as a source of nitrogen for callogenesis and optimum callus formation was observed at 50 mM (combined nitrogen).