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Correlation between maternal and cord blood leptin and fetal growth
leptin concentration and birth weight of newborns (r = 0.278; p = 0.003) and correlation with body mass index (BMI) of the newborns (r = 0.249; p = 0.006). Maternal leptin concentrations correlated with
maternal weight and BMI (r = 0.277; p = 0.003, r = 0.290; p = 0.002, respectively). There was no correlation between maternal leptin concentrations and birth weight (r = - 0.162; p = 0.054) and with BMI
of the newborns (r = - 0.158; p = 0.058). There was gender difference in leptin concentrations in the newborns (r = 0.331; p = 0.00025) with greater level in females. In conclusion, we have shown that the
association between umbilical serum leptin and birth weight in this and other studies suggests a pivotal role of fetal leptin in regulating fetal growth and development.