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Genetic diversity and population structure of Ethiopian lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) landraces as revealed by ISSR marker
diversity, genetic structure and genetic distance, and to indirectly estimate the level of gene flow among populations of Ethiopian lentil landraces using intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) marker. For
this purpose, seeds of seventy landrace accessions collected from seven different administrative regions of Ethiopia were obtained from Inistitute of Biodiversity Conservation and grown at Sinana
Agricultural Research Center (Bale-Robe, Ethiopia) on-station field plot. DNA was extracted from a bulk leaf sample of fifteen randomly selected seed-raised plants using a triple CTAB extraction technique.
ISSR data were generated using four primers. The total genetic diversity ( T H ), the intrapopulation genetic diversity ( S H ) and the interpopulation genetic diversity ( ST D ) were 0.175, 0.095 and 0.079,
respectively. High intrapopulation genetic diversity was observed for Gonder, Shewa and Wello populations, while Arsi, Bale, Tigray and Gojam populations showed low intrapopulation diversity.
There was high genetic differentiation (GST = 0.455) but intermediate gene flow level (Nm = 0.60) among populations. The genetic distance ( D ) between populations ranged from 0.012 – 0.228. Cluster analysis
revealed two groups of Ethiopian lentil landrace populations. The results provide important baseline for future germplasm conservation and improvement programs.