In our continuous efforts to develop a paint binder from amino resin, a low formaldehyde emission methyol urea-triethanolamine (MUT) composite was synthesized through in situ esterification of formaldehyde with triethanolamine (TEA) and subsequent copolymerization of the synthesized polyester with methylol urea. The effects of addition of TEA on the polymerization process on some physical properties of the synthesized copolymer were evaluated. The copolymer was characterized by IR spectroscopy and macro phase separation techniques. At a given TEA concentration, the composite exhibited macro phase separation behavior between that of pure methylol urea and pure polyester. The IR spectra show the presence of the polyester moiety in the composite. The values of moisture uptake, formaldehyde emission, melting point and elongation at break of the copolymer were within the acceptable levels required in the coating industry. Therefore, the methylol urea/polyester copolymer resin could be a potential candidate as a binder for the coating industry.