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Frequency and site mapping of HIV-1/SIVcpz, HIV- 2/SIVsmm and other SIV gene sequence cleavage by various bacteria restriction enzymes: Precursors for a novel HIV inhibitory product
out to analyze the effects of various restriction enzymes on the HIV genome. A computer simulated model using Web cutter Version 2.0, and cytogenetic analysis. 339 restriction enzymes from Promega
database, 10 HIV-1/SIVcpz genes, 10 HIV-2/SIVsmm genes and 10 other SIV genes. Gene sequences were fed into Web cutter 2.0 set to search enzymes with at least 6 recognition base pairs (palindromes).
A background in vitro cytogenetic control analysis using HIV-1/SIVcpz GAG, POL and ENV genes was done. Of the 339 enzymes used, 238 (70.2%) cleaved the HIV-1/SIVcpz A1.BY.97.97BL006_AF193275
genome with 9037 bp compared to 225 (66.4%) and 219 (64.6%) for the HIV-2/SIVsmm genome (9713 bp) and other SIV B.FR.83.HXB2_LAI_IIIB_BRU_K03455 genome (9719 bp), respectively. Individual genes had differing but potent susceptibility to the enzymes, with a 98.9% Web cutter PPV (95%CI, 97.2%-
99.6%) for in vitro cytogenetics. The natural bacteria RMS antiviral immune model offers precursors for developing novel HIV and other viral therapeutic molecules.