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Effect of cooking and soaking on physical characteristics, nutrient composition and sensory evaluation of indigenous and foreign rice varieties in Nigeria
‘aroso’ rice varieties in Nigeria. The two rice varieties were freshly purchased in the raw state, soaked in water and cooked. The physical characteristics, such as, length, width, weight, colour, purity,
breakage, cooking time, dispersability and swelling capacity of the raw rice varieties were determined. The raw, soaked and cooked rice varieties were oven dried as 60°C for 4 h and milled to attain uniform
surface area. The proximate composition and some minerals of the raw, soaked and cooked rice varieties and the sensory evaluation of the cooked rice were determined. Ofada and aroso rice varieties
were brown and creamy in colour, respectively. There were significant (p<0.01) differences in the purity, breakage, cooking time, swelling capacity and weight of the whole grain, but with no difference in the
length and width. The raw, cooked and soaked ofada rice contain more protein, fat, and fibre than in aroso rice, but with no change in carbohydrate content .There were no significant (p>0.01) differences
in the levels of minerals; Ca, Fe, Mg and P, in raw, cooked and soaked ofada and aroso rice. Sensory evaluation showed that cooked aroso rice was generally preferred, in terms of colour, aroma, taste, texture and overall acceptability.