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The effects of sodium azide and colchicine treatments on morphological and yield traits of sesame seed (Sesame indicum L.)
number of days to maturity, plant heights, total leaf area/plant, chlorophyll content, pollen sterility, dry matter and fruit size were recorded in the C1 and C2 generations. The frequency of mutation/injury increased with increasing concentrations of the mutagens. The LC50 values based on survival percentages in the M1 generation were fixed at 0.0776 and 0.0473% for sodium azide and colchicine respectively. There were dose related effects of the mutagenic treatments on quantitative traits resulting in reductions in traits such as germination and survival percentages, plant height, number of fruit/plant, but increases in leaf area, maturity time and fruit size. Colchicine treatment produced shortened internodes, deformed leaves, and chlorophyll mutants. Low doses of both mutagens (<0.125%) produced early maturing variants and robust/high yields and can be imposed to obtain beneficial mutants in sesame.