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Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus on some compost formulas and locally available casing materials. Part II: Waste tea leaves based compost formulas and locally available casing materials
bisporus cultivation. Some locally available peats such as peat of Bolu, peat of Agacbasi, peat of Caykara and theirs mixture (80:20; volume : volume) with perlite were used. Temperature values of all
compost formulas during composting process were measured to determine the compostability level. According to results, compost temparature steadily increased until the 8th, 9th, and 9th day of
composting for formula I, formula II, and formula III, respectively. The maximum compost temperature values were measured for all compost formulas at the second turning stage of composting process.
The highest compost temperature values were measured prepared from a mixture of waste tea leaves and wheat bran (formula I). The best mushroom yield was obtained by a mixture of waste tea leaves and
pigeon manure with the peat of Caykara and perlite mixture as casing material. Peat of Caykara gave higher mushroom yield than those of other peats.