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Marker assisted introgression of opaque2 gene into herbicide resistant elite maize inbred lines
objective of using the marker to select for modifiers for the opaque2 phenotype. The modified FTA paper technology protocol was applied in field sampling. The results showed 97% of the lines were
opaque2 while 3% were non-opaque2. Both methods of conventional breeding using light table and marker assisted selection (MAS) were comparable. However, the application of SSR markers and the
FTA technology offers the breeder a fast, time saving, reliable and less labour intensive method of screening QPM maize during the early growing stages instead of having to wait to screen the kernels on
the light table after harvesting. Moreover, the routine biochemical analysis for high lysine and tryptophan levels need not be carried out at each backcross since the presence of the opaque2 gene is confirmed with markers.