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Cyfluthrin-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
amount of cyfluthrin administered orally for 15 weeks.The hepatotoxicity level was assessed by monitoring the changes in the organ to body; weight ratio, micronutrient level (iron, zinc, copper and
selenium), the nutritional status (total carbohydrate, total glucose, total protein, total amino acids, total lipid and total cholesterol), the lipid peroxidation level (reduced glutathione and thiobarbiturate) and the
antioxidant enzyme activities (glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, catalase, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase). A dose-dependent decrease in the organ-to-body ratio was observed. The
micronutrient level in the test groups increase significantly. The total carbohydrate, total glucose, total amino acids and total protein show a significant decrease in the test groups. There is no significant
difference observed in the tissue cholesterol at both dosages under investigation. Lipid peroxidation was increased in the test groups as indicated by a significant increase in the thiobarbiturate level and a
significant decrease in the reduced glutathione level. All the antioxidant enzymes studied increased significantly. Cyfluthrin is potentially hepatotoxic under continuous administration in rats.