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Occurrence of diploid and polyploid microspores in Sorghum bicolor (Poaceae) is the result of cytomixis
studies on control plants showed the 10 bivalents in majority of pollen mother cells at diakinesis and first metaphase. In eight treated plants, occurrence of cytomixis and chromosome migration were observed. Analysis of 230 pollen mother cells at first metaphase stage showed 73.91% haploid (n=10),
10.43% diploid (n=20), 7.82% triploid (n=30), 4.34% tetraploid and 3.47% pentaploid (n=50) number of chromosomes. Pollen diameters showed that the cytomictic cells differed from the normal cells. These results indicate that cytomixis can really be an effective mechanism for the production of polyploid