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Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Morchella conica Pers.
concentration of 160 ìg/ml. When compared the inhibition levels of methanol extract of M. conica and standards in linoleic acid system, it was observed that the higher the concentration of both M. conica
ethanol extract and the standards the higher the inhibition effect. Total flavonoid amount was 9.17±0.56ìg mg-1 quercetin equivalent while the phenolic compound amount was 41.93±0.29 ìg mg-1 pyrocatechol
equivalent in the ethanolic extract. The antimicrobial effect of M. conica ethanol extract was tested against six species of Gram-positive bacteria, seven species of Gram-negative bacteria and one species
of yeast. The M. conica ethanol extract had a narrow antibacterial spectrum against tested microorganisms. The most susceptible bacterium was M. flavus. The crude extract was found active on S. aureus ATCC 25923 and S. aureus Cowan I. The M. conica ethanol extract did not exhibit anticandidal activity against C. albicans