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Production of functional protein hydrolysates from Egyptian breeds of soybean and lupin seeds
vitro protein digestibility was shown after hydrolysis. Total protein content (in g/100 g extract) increased in hydrolyzed samples from 48.1 to 51-60 for soybean (dependent on pre-treatment) and from
36.8 to 39.9-48.6 for lupin. Total essential amino acid content was also increased in papain hydrolyzed samples, compared to that in raw and germinated legumes. More specifically, the amount of lysine,
sulphur amino acids, histidine, and to a certain extent isoleucine and threonine increased in samples from both legume species. All soybean samples exhibited antioxidant activity while in lupin samples,
only those subjected to hydrolysis showed activity. Generally, it was clearly observed that the longer the duration of enzymatic hydrolysis (within the time frame of the experiment), the higher the improvement of the nutritional quality