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Characterization and optimization of lipase activity produced by Pseudomonas monteilli 2403-KY120354 isolated from ground beef

Abdel-Hamied M. Rasmey
Akram A. Aboseidah
Salha Gaber
Fatma Mahran


A total of 56 Gram negative bacterial isolates were recovered from twenty ground beef samples and were screened for their potentiality to produce lipase. Forty four bacterial isolates were recorded as positive producers for lipase on tween as carbon source in solid medium. Also, the highly producer isolates were screened for lipase activity in submerged culture using olive oil as carbon and the most active isolate was 2043 which gave an activity of 20.0 ± 0.29 U/ml. The bacterial isolate 2403 was identified phenotypically according to Bergey’s Manual and genotypically using 16S rRNA genes analysis as Pseudomonas monteilli. Effect of some different factors on lipase activity were studied and the maximum lipase activity was achieved at reaction medium of pH 6 and incubated at 40°C for 60 min. Also, addition of Ba2+ in the reaction medium enhanced the lipase activity, while the other tested metals reduced the enzyme activity.

Key words: Food contamination, lipase activity, olive oil, cultural conditions, Pseudomonas.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1684-5315