Three compost formulas using different activator materials were prepared for Agaricus bisporus cultivation. A locally available casing material known as peat of Bolu district and its different combinations with perlite were used. Temperature profiles of all mixtures during composting were measured at every composting stages at various depth in order to determine the compostability level of substrates. Compost temparature steadily increased until the 10th day of composting and maximum temperatures were recorded at the second turning stage of composting. The highest yield of (5124.1 g/kg) was recorded by wheat straw mixed with pigeon manure (formula number II) with the peat as casing material mixed with perlite (80:20 in volume). The most appropriate casing materials was appeared to be the peat of Bolu district mixed with perlite (80:20; in volume) for all of compost materials.
Key Words: Composting, Agaricus bisporus, compost temperature, casing material, yield.
African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.3(9) 2004: 456-462