The inheritance of resistance to head bug (Eurystylus oldi) was studied in ten populations of sorghum derived from crossing three susceptible sorghum elite varieties (ICSV 111, ICSV 112 and ICSV 400), and two resistant sorghum varieties (Malisor 84-7 and KSV 4). Parental lines, F1 and F2 populations were sown on a Randomized Complete Block Design in two replications. Artificial infestation of head bugs on sorghum was employed in carrying out the experiment. Samples of 5 panicles each from every artificially infested plot were observed. Resistance to head bug in sorghum seems to be controlled by a single pair of recessive genes in Malisor 84-7 x ICSV 400 and Malisor 84-7 x ICSV 111. The cross, KSV 4 x ICSV 112 appeared to be controlled by double recessive pair of genes. Head bug population affects quality of grains rather than the yield produced. There is a negative correlation (-0.095) between head bug population and the germination percentage of the grain. Positive relationship exists between glume size and head bug population, which suggests that longer glumes harbour more head bug.
(African Journal of Biotechnology: 2003 2(7): 202-205)