A 15-litre bench-top multipurpose bioreactor was designed and constructed. The vessel is a glass type with a stainless flat headplate incorporating 9 access ports allowing for a variety of interchangeable probes and actuators. The stirring speed ranges between 0 and 250 rpm, the aeration rate (0-2 l/m), the pH control loop uses HI 1131 probe, two 100 ml bottles of HCl and NaOH solutions and operates a close feedback system. The temperature control module is a close loop using a PT 100 RTD thermocouple and an auxiliary vessel containing a cooling solution. The aeration and feed flow rates are open loops. The system incorporates attributes of a good bioreactor design as discussed by Naraendranathan (1998). Sterility is achieved by autoclaving different units of the system. This machine has been tested on an array of local standard fermentation processes.
(African Journal of Biotechnology: 2003 2(8): 233-236)