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Nano lab-on-chip systems for biomedical and environmental monitoring

Tijjani Adam
U Hashim
Th S Dhahi
Pei Ling Leow


In recent years, nano lab-on-chip (NLOC) has emerged as a powerful tool for biosensing and an active area of research particularly in DNA genetic and genetic related investigations. Compared with conventional sensing techniques, distinctive advantages of using NLOC for biomedicine and other related area include ultra-high sensitivity, higher throughput, in-situ monitoring and lower cost. This review aims to summarize recent  advancements in two major types of NLOC sensing approaches, label and labelled free NLOC, as well as their biomedical applications. The state-of-the-art on how these sensors interface with nano/microfluidics is then presented and the latest papers in the area summarized and also proposal to develop compact NLOC with four different sensing elements with two different mechanisms, common and separate padding is prospected.

Keywords: Nano lab-on-chip, in-situ, nano/microfluidics, sensors, DNA

African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(36), pp. 5486-5495

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1684-5315