Raw cassava starch has been used as thickener and binder in the formulation of water based paint, but with a problem of loss of viscosity in a very short period. This study evaluates the modification of cassava starch using active component of ginger extract and its use as a water- based paint thickener. 150 g of starch in 200 mL of water was modified using different concentrations (1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 g) of active components of ginger root and the intrinsic viscosity of the modified starch was investigated. The modified starch was used as thickener in the formulation of water based paint and the results were compared with those of paint produced using unmodified starch and commercial thickener. The Intrinsic viscosities of ginger modified starch (0.2 to 0.4 cp) are greater than that of unmodified starch (0.1 cp). Ginger modified starch also showed high swelling power (9.4 to 14.3) compared to unmodified starch with low swelling power (9.1). It was noticed that preparing of the thicker in its viscoelastic stage gives the best thickening agent and that the samples modified with 10, 20, 30 and 40 g of ginger root were best for thickening agent in the formulation of water based paint.
Keywords: Active component of ginger, cassava starch, intrinsic viscosity, swelling power, starch preparation, paint formulation
African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(21), pp. 3321-3326