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BTN1A1 , FABP3 and TG genes polymorphism in East Anatolian red cattle breed and South Anatolian red cattle breed

Hasret Yardibi
Feraye Esen Gürsel
Atila Ates
Iraz Akıs
Gulhan Turkay Hosturk
Kemal Oztabak


The aim of the study was to determine butyrophilin, thyroglobulin and fatty acid binding protein genes in East Anatolian Red cattle breed and South Anatolian Red cattle breed. In the study, unrelated 50 South Anatolian red and 50 East Anatolian red cattle were used. Genomic DNA was isolated from whole blood using standart salt-out protocol. The polymerase chain reaction technique was used for gene amplification. Allele and genotype distribution and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was calculated by using PopGene32 software program. For BTN1A1 gene, A allele frequency was higher in East Anatolian red (EAR) and South Anatolian red (SAR) cattles. In TG gene, T allele frequency was higher in SAR breed but this frequency was lower in EAR cattle breed. For FABP3 gene, G allele frequency was lower in SAR breed but it was higher in EAR breed. The presented results should be confirmed in future investigations, taking into consideration all possible genotype at different loci and using other restriction enzymes for recognizing the variants.

Keywords: BTN1A1, TG, FABP3, cattle, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment lenght polymorphism (PCR-RFLP)

African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(20), pp. 2802-2807

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1684-5315