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Evaluation of seed priming on germination of Gladiolus alatus
Seed priming improves seed performance under environmental conditions. The study was designed to evaluate the effect of different priming treatments on germination behavior of Gladiolus alatus. The experiment was conducted under complete randomized design (CRD) with four replications. Seed priming was done with different concentration of potassium nitrate (KNO3) and hydropriming. All the treatments had significant effect on germination percentage, germination test in growth room, time for 50% germination and mean germination time. Results show that maximum invigoration was observed in seeds osmoprimed at lower concentrations of KNO3 and with hydropriming while minimum invigoration was observed at higher concentration of KNO3-. It was concluded that germination percentage can be increased by using lower concentrations of KNO3 and with hydropriming.
Key words: Priming, hydropriming, gladiolus, germination.