α-Amylases (EC; 1,4-α-D-glucanglucanohydrolase) are enzymes that are widely studied and used in industries. Their major source is microorganisms. This study aimed to prepare a readily available medium for industrial amylase production. An optimization of amylase production conditions by
Bacillussp. R2 and medium composition were done. Pasta cooking water was selected as basal medium due to its richness in starch. Maximum α-amylase production was achieved after 72 h and at pH 6 and 40°C. Glucose and sodium nitrite were the best secondary carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. The optimum substrate concentration, sea-water concentration, inoculum size and NaCl concentration were 50, 75, 4 and 15%, respectively. These outcomes show that pasta cooking-water may be a promising medium for industrial amylase production due to its availability.
Keywords: Bacillus sp. R2, α-amylase, pasta cooking-water, production, optimization